130:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Q-Less" REV. 11/12/92 - ACT THREE 39. 45 CONTINUED: The galaxy can be a dangerous place when you're on your own. Another FLASH and Vash's face and arms are covered by horrible oozing boils. The people on the Promenade recoil from her in abject horror. Q is enjoying himself immensely. VASH (not giving up) It's over, Q. A third FLASH. Vash falls to her knees. She is wracked with palsy and her skin is a deathly grey. Q (to Vash, as if nothing has happened) I'll leave you now to reconsider my offer of friendship. Q vanishes in a flash and at the same time Vash returns to normal. As one of the bystanders moves to help her... on her reaction... FADE OUT. 46 thru OMITTED 47 END OF ACT THREE