DEEP SPACE: "Q-Less" REV. 11/12/92 - ACT THREE 36. 43 CONTINUED: A beat. Sisko's thoughtful. Something about all this doesn't seem right. SISKO I'm not convinced that Q's behind this. Off Dax's reaction. SISKO (continuing) Playing with the lights and punching holes in the hull doesn't strike me as his style. 44 INT. SECURITY OFFICE Quark ENTERS Odo's office. QUARK You wanted to see me? Make it quick. I've got important business. ODO Yes, I know. You're auctioning off some artifacts from the Gamma Quadrant. QUARK (realization) You were eavesdropping on my conversation with Vash. (a beat) What were you this time? The table? One of the chairs? The wine bottle? ODO (superior) When are you going to realize that you have no secrets from me?