100:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Q-Less" REV. 11/12/92 - ACT TWO 28. 30 INT. QUARK'S (OPTICAL) Quark and Vash sit at the end of the bar. Vash watches Quark's face, looking for his reaction as he gazes intently into the box at the Geode. VASH I figure we'd auction this off last. Quark closes the box with a snap. QUARK (dismissive) Interesting... but hardly of any intrinsic value. VASH (coolly) Really? I thought it was the best piece in the collection. QUARK Obviously my associates have more sophisticated tastes than you're used to. (beat) But just so it's not a total loss, I'll take it off your hands for say... seven bars of gold-press latinum. VASH (amused) It's worth fifty times as much. QUARK Ridiculous... All right, eighteen bars, but you must swear never to tell a soul about my foolish generosity. VASH (takes the box from Quark) If you want it you're going to have to be a lot more foolish than that. QUARK All right. Thirty. (he reaches for the box) Now give it to me. Vash slides the box out of reach.