DEEP SPACE: "Q-Less" REV. 11/12/92 - ACT TWO 22. 23 CONTINUED: (2) VASH (all business) I expect you to make all the necessary arrangements. QUARK (admiring her business acumen) Oh, you're good. You're very, very good. And gently touching his throbbing ear, Quark EXITS. 24 NEW ANGLE as Vash turns around and finds Q sitting on her couch. Q How perfectly vile. If that's the kind of company you kept before you met me, it's no wonder you ended up with Picard. VASH (emphatic) Go away. The door CHIMES again. VASH Enter. Q My, aren't we the hub of activity? Bashir ENTERS the room. Bashir notices that Vash looks upset. BASHIR I'm sorry. Am I interrupting anything? Vash glances back at the couch. Q is gone. VASH Not at all, Doctor. Come in. BASHIR Thank you, and please, call me Julian.