DEEP SPACE: "Q-Less" REV. 11/11/92 - ACT TWO 21. 23 CONTINUED: VASH I'll only accept payment in gold- press latinum. QUARK I'll shower you in it. (a beat, re: their split) Fifty-fifty? VASH Mister Quark, I believe you're trying to take advantage of me. She begins to massage Quark's ear. The Ferengi shivers with joy. QUARK Mmmm. You have a talent for oo-mox. VASH So I've been told. Quark forces himself to pull away. QUARK I will not be distracted by your feminine wiles. I demand forty percent. She reaches out and resumes oo-moxing him. Quark practically purring like a kitten. QUARK All right, thirty. VASH (re; Quark's ears) What magnificent cartilage. QUARK Twenty-two and don't stop. VASH You've got a deal. Vash removes her hand from Quark's ear. It's like dumping cold water on the Ferengi.