DEEP SPACE: "Q-Less" REV. 11/12/92 - ACT TWO 17. 20 CONTINUED: She tosses her duffel bag on the bed and turns around, only to bump smack into... Q, still wearing his Enterprise- style uniform. Q Really, Vash, I can't believe you're still pining for Jean-Luc, that self righteous do-gooder. VASH I should have listened to him when he warned me about you... Q You're hurt, so you lash out. I understand. But be of good cheer. I bring wonderful news. (A BEAT) I'm back. I can see now it was cruel of me to leave you. VASH That's very touching. But you didn't leave me, I left you. Q You left me, I left you... Details, mere details. The important thing is we're back together again... a team... joined at the hip... VASH Not a chance. Q Come now, you know you missed me. VASH Don't flatter yourself. 21 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Vash starts to turn away and is startled as her duffel bag appears on her shoulder, courtesy of Q. Q I thought first we'd visit the Teleris Cluster... look in on the cloud dancers of Mundahla. Or maybe head over to the Lantar Nebula to view the Sampalo relics on Hoek Four.