159:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Q-Less" REV. 11/09/92 - ACT ONE 15. 17 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN The Captain likes a good challenge, sir. Before Sisko can respond, the corridor lights dim and there's a low pitched WHINE. Then as quickly as they faded, the lights flicker and come up again and the noise ceases. As Sisko and O'Brien react... 18 INT. OPS Kira and Dax at their stations. Sisko and O'Brien ENTER from the Turbolift. SISKO Status report? O'Brien hurries to his station. DAX We suffered a broad spectrum power drain. KIRA The power transfer is completely inoperative. The energy was drawn out faster than it could handle. O'BRIEN I'll have to replace the entire unit. DAX (to O'Brien) Chief, are you reading any graviton flux around the transfer systems. O'BRIEN (runs a diagnostic) I am detecting a low level graviton disturbance... How did you know? DAX That's exactly what happened when we lost power on the Ganges. On reactions... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE