DEEP SPACE: "Q-Less" REV. 11/05/92 - ACT ONE 14. 15 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Yes Sir. I ran a level one diagnostic. Everything checks out. I can't explain it. It's like something tapped into the ship's systems and drained them dry. He picks up his tools. Sisko follows him out of the Runabout. 16 INT. AIR LOCK Sisko and O'Brien in motion. SISKO Tell me Chief, how well do you know this Vash woman? O'BRIEN Hardly at all. Only met her that one time she was aboard the Enterprise. SISKO What was she doing there? O'Brien is hesitant, choosing his words carefully in an attempt to be discreet. O'BRIEN Well Sir, Vash and Captain Picard were friends... close friends... if you follow my meaning. Seems they met on Risa a few years back. 17 INT. CORRIDOR As they come out of the airlock. O'BRIEN (continuing, to Sisko) I figure she must be a special woman... to be friends with the Captain and all. SISKO Somehow she doesn't seem to be his type.