DEEP SPACE: "Q-Less" REV. 11/12/92 - ACT ONE 12. 14 CONTINUED: SISKO Every place you've been, everything you've seen, no matter how insignificant, could prove important. (fishing) Including how you got there. VASH I'm sorry, Commander, but that's a... SISKO AND VASH (simultaneously) Personal matter. They pass by Quark's, where we see QUARK and the Assay Office Assistant in animated conversation. We don't hear what they're saying, but the Assistant's surreptitious nod towards Vash lets up know the gist of their conversation. VASH (thoughtful) So now the Daystrom Institute is interested in me. That's ironic. SISKO Professor Woo seemed especially eager to speak to you again. VASH Did he really? I suppose he told you that he suspended my membership from the Institute's Archaeological Council. SISKO On two occasions. Something about the illegal sale of artifacts... VASH Let's just say when it comes to choosing between science and profit... I'll choose profit every time. SISKO I think the professor is hoping in this case you'll make an exception.