DEEP SPACE: "Q-Less" REV. 11/09/92 - ACT ONE 8. 7 CONTINUED: BASHIR I am. Now I don't have any reason to keep you here. Bashir puts away his medical tricorder. VASH (smiles) You almost make me wish I wasn't feeling well. Bashir smiles back. 8 INT. COMMANDERS OFFICE Dax is making her report to Sisko. SISKO (confirming) ... And she claims she knew nothing about the wormhole... ? DAX She was very surprised when I told her about it. I don't think she ever expected to see this part of the galaxy again. SISKO How could she get there in the first place if she didn't go through the wormhole? DAX She didn't want to talk about it. Said it was a personal matter. SISKO This doesn't make sense. A human alone in the Gamma Quadrant for two years. Let's check her background. See what we can find out about her. DAX She claims to be an archaeologist.