28:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Captive Pursuit" REV. 10/23/92 - ACT FIVE 44. 77 CONTINUED: Quark stays and studies O'Brien as he takes a drink... O'Brien glares at him. O'BRIEN What? QUARK Your face gets very pink when you're aggravated... much more so than most other hew-mans... O'BRIEN Then stop aggravating me! QUARK No... no... no... no... not me. You came in the door this way. O'BRIEN Fine. You're right. I'm... aggravated. QUARK (pleased with himself) I'm a keen observer of behavior. (beat) Want to talk about it? O'BRIEN No. QUARK Why not? O'BRIEN Because talking to you won't help anything. QUARK Try me. O'BRIEN Forget it. It's just the rules of the game. QUARK Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Rules of the game. Go on.