115:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Captive Pursuit" REV. 10/27/92 - ACT TWO 23. 26 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN He keeps the truth pretty much to himself. SISKO When will his ship be ready? O'BRIEN Tomorrow. SISKO I don't see that we have much of a choice. We can't hold him. If he wants to tell you the truth, fine. If not, wish him well... and send him on his way... O'Brien acknowledges, still unsettled about this curious visitor and... 27 INT. REMOTE CORRIDOR Tosk is positioned before a junction box. He is altering the mechanism for purposes known only to himself. 28 ANGLE - A FRAMED PICTURE OF A BAJORAN LANDSCAPE ON THE WALL (OPTICAL) Across from Tosk. It begins to shape-shift into Odo, (not a complete MORPH)... 29 ANGLE ON TOSK ODO (O.S.) (low key) Just what do you think you're doing? 30 NEW ANGLE as Tosk turns to see Odo behind him... 31 TOSK (OPTICAL) shimmers and disappears...