11:[2,#b],129:[1,#b],143:[1,#b],152:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Captive Pursuit" - 10/23/92 - ACT ONE 7. ACT ONE FADE IN: 8 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) The alien ship has docked. 9 INT. ALIEN COCKPIT It's a single pilot vessel. The hatch opens and O'Brien enters... looks around... there's no one there... O'Brien reacts, hits his combadge... O'BRIEN O'Brien to Ops... INTERCUTTING: 10 INT. OPS SISKO Go ahead, Chief. O'BRIEN You didn't beam this fellow out when I wasn't looking, did you? SISKO Negative. O'BRIEN Well, he's not in here. Sisko reacts, glances at Dax... DAX The sensors say he's still on board, Chief. 11 INT. ALIEN SHIP O'Brien reacts, looks around... his hand goes to a small hand phaser on his hip... but then he thinks again... He again uses the tone of his voice to communicate friendship and non-threat... Throughout their relationship, it's not what O'Brien says that bridges the communication gap, but how he says it... O'BRIEN Friend, if you're in here... you've got nothing to worry about from me... you understand?