59:[1,#b],155:[3,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Captive Pursuit" REV. 10/23/92 - TEASER 6. 4 CONTINUED: (2) The shuddering stops... TOSK Yes. O'BRIEN You'll be fine now... just relax and enjoy the ride... Tosk does not relax for a second... and is unhappy about being in anybody else's hands... O'Brien switches off the viewscreen... KIRA I'd say that's a man who doesn't know how to relax... (to Dax, joking) He could use some of your meditation exercises, Lieutenant... DAX (smiles dryly) So could you, Major. Benjamin, I think we might want to skip formal first contact procedures for now... SISKO Agreed. (to O'Brien) Why don't you meet him by yourself at the airlock, Mister O'Brien... he might find that a little less intimidating... O'BRIEN Aye, sir... SISKO ... And if you can, find out what he's so... nervous about... O'Brien acknowledges and as he EXITS on the Turbolift... a beat on Sisko and... 5 thru OMITTED 7 FADE OUT. END OF TEASER