10:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Babel" REV. 10/13/92 - ACT FIVE 51-53. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 75A EXT. SPACE - THE RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) Orbiting around Bajor. 75B INT. RUNABOUT Kira in the cockpit, taking readings. KIRA Computer, isolate a comline to the Ilvian Medical Complex. Administrator's office. COMPUTER VOICE Line isolated. KIRA Scan the office for lifeforms. COMPUTER VOICE One life form present. KIRA Lock on and stand by to transport. She works console. 75C INCLUDE MONITOR (OPTICAL) as Surmak Ren appears on screen. SURMAK This is Doctor Surmak. KIRA Hello again, Doctor. Just wanted to make sure you were in your office. SURMAK I have nothing to say to you... Surmak moves to sever their connection, but Kira is quicker -- she touches a panel and Surmak DEMATERIALIZES. A delighted Kira swirls around in her chair.