DEEP SPACE: "Babel" REV. 10/19/92 - ACT THREE 36. ODO Besides, even if she finds this person... that's no guarantee he can help us. SISKO We just have to hope he remembers the antidote. ODO That's assuming he ever bothered to create one. That leaves them all with something to think about. 46 INT. OPS - CLOSE ON KIRA standing in front of a monitor at Dax's station. GALIS BLIN, a middle aged Bajoran woman is on the screen. (In b.g. we see that Ops is running on a skeleton crew.) KIRA ... Had to be someone in the underground familiar with genetic engineering. GALIS (thinks for a beat) Eighteen years ago... sounds like something Dekon Elig might have thought up. KIRA How can I find him? GALIS (thinking) Last I heard he was in a Cardassian prison. KIRA Where was he being held? GALIS The Velos Seven Internment Camp. But that was nine years ago. KIRA And you have no idea where he is now? (pressing) Think, Galis. This is important.