DEEP SPACE: "Babel" REV. 10/15/92 - ACT TWO 27. 32 CONTINUED: ODO I caught him using a replicator in one of the vacant crew quarters. He was producing his entire menu out of there. SISKO And contaminating all his customers. A long beat as the implications sink in. Bashir takes a reading with his medical tricorder -- BASHIR If this virus is present in a large enough segment of the population, it could mean... Bashir rises. 33 NEW ANGLE As he quickly crosses over to Dax's station. He feeds the information from the tricorder into a monitor. SISKO What is it, Doctor? BASHIR I just took an air sample. 34 INSERT MONITOR We recognize the same organism we saw earlier in the Infirmary. 35 RESUME SCENE Sisko recognizes it too. SISKO The virus? BASHIR (nodding) It's mutated into an airborne variety.