DEEP SPACE: "Babel" REV. 10/13/92 - ACT ONE 12. 13 CONTINUED: KIRA I imagine it must take some getting use to. DAX Actually I find it quite enjoyable. QUARK (V.O.) Major Kira... Lieutenant Dax... 14 ANGLE ON QUARK Leaning against the part of the bar counter facing the Promenade. Behind him, we see that business has picked up considerably. Customers are eating and drinking with gusto. QUARK I'd be honored to have you join my little party. As my guests, of course. KIRA What's all this, Quark? You cheat your one-thousandth customer? Quark lets loose with an insincere laugh... quickly replaced by a sharp glare toward Kira. QUARK Who says Bajorans have no sense of humor? (pointing to the activity taking place behind him) Actually we're celebrating the repair of the bar's replicator system. (to Dax) Perhaps I could interest you in a nice double-whipped I'danian spice pudding. DAX (to Kira; tempted) What do you think? KIRA I think I'm due back at Ops. But go on, enjoy yourself.