DEEP SPACE: "A Man Alone" REV. FINAL 09/25/92 - ACT FIVE 48. 77 CONTINUED: She moves off... Odo is seen glancing out a window which only raises the crowd's pitch higher... from somewhere, someone throws a metal fragment and hits the window where Odo just was... shattering it... the crowd cheers... and pushes forward, the guards push them back... 78 ANGLE at the rear of the crowd... we get a partial view of the mysterious old man with the hat on... watching... 79 INT. INFIRMARY - CLOSE ON THE MONITOR (OPTICAL) flashing figures and numbers that are incomprehensible to us... moving to find Dax studying it... the noise of the crowd is in the background... DAX Julian, look at this... BASHIR The chromatin pattern is changing... DAX It's definitely humanoid... Bashir studies the figures a beat... BASHIR (repeating thoughtfully) It's definitely humanoid... it's definitely... my god, Dax, I think I know what it is... run a chromosome analysis... I think we're going to find a gene-sequence degradation... As Dax goes to work... pan down to find within the bioregenerative field... the mass looks more solid than before... and definitely looks more human... but without features... 80 INT. PROMENADE - ANGLE Two men in their twenties return (well away from Sisko) with more metal fragments (from a construction site near-by -- they're still rebuilding post Cardassian reign of terror) and begin to hand them out...