DEEP SPACE: "A Man Alone" REV. FINAL 09/28/92 - ACT FOUR 40. 63 INT. INFIRMARY Close on the bio-regenerative field... within it, the jelly- like mass has expanded and stretched the limits of the field... there is a monitor that displays a quick changing automatic display of readings... there is a Bajoran nurse in the background preparing a much larger containment field... BASHIR (O.S.) It's growing exponentially... we're going to have to increase the metabolic field energy... Pulling back to reveal Sisko and Dax watching... SISKO Just what is it that's growing in there... ? DAX (studying the monitor) Aren't those DNA patterns humanoid, Julian? BASHIR (scientifically excited) That's what they look like to me... but there's a genetic drift I can't put my finger on... SISKO (musing aloud) What the hell was Ibudan up to? BASHIR I'm afraid we'll have to wait to see what this becomes before we have a clue... (to the Bajoran nurse) You can transfer it to the larger field now... As the nurse acknowledges to Bashir whose head has turned away from Sisko and Dax, Sisko turns to Dax -- SISKO Care for some lunch? Before she can answer, Bashir, without looking, says-- BASHIR Sure.