DEEP SPACE: "A Man Alone" REV. FINAL 09/28/92 - ACT THREE 33. 53 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) as before, emphasizing Ibudan's ship... 54 INT. IBUDAN'S QUARTERS Bashir is using a modified tricorder, taking samples of dust from a table top with a 24th Century mini-vac or other forensic tool -- something with individual sample containers that Bashir can snap on and reattach... he moves around, thinking about what else he might check... moves to the wall and a matter reclamation unit (waste disposal)... he moves to examine the slot... 55 EXTREME CLOSEUP As his eyes move close to the slot, we can see some tiny glass-like fragments on the edge, not quite inside the unit... he uses the mini-vac to suck several into a new container... 56 INT. OPS Sisko, Dax and Kira are listening to the complaints of a citizens group including Zayra, Bajoran #1, and now four others... including a woman... SISKO I understand your concerns... ZAYRA We're not saying he's innocent or guilty, Commander... but it just seems reasonable under the circumstances that he... KIRA (impatient) Thank-you for coming... They take her cue and EXIT... and after they leave, Kira controls her emotions by turning away and just shaking her head... KIRA This is wrong... SISKO What would you suggest we do? Turning back. KIRA He didn't do it.