DEEP SPACE: "A Man Alone" REV. FINAL 09/22/92 - ACT THREE 31. 50 CONTINUED: (2) KEIKO So? ROM My son cannot learn anything from a fe-male human teacher. KEIKO Let him try it for a few weeks. He has nothing to lose... and... (trying the conspiracy again) ... so much to gain. It doesn't get to him this time... ROM I don't think so. Keiko frowns, crestfallen. KEIKO Will you promise to think about it at least? ROM Yes. Yes. Of course. Now, I'm really very busy. She leaves... after a beat, Rom watches her go, thinking about what she said... then back to business: ROM Place your wagers... place your wagers... get this lovely young woman a drink on me... 51 KEIKO moves by the bar toward the exit... and she leads us to a group of four Bajoran men including Zayra at the bar... and this should not be too intense, more casual, thoughtful, even with some humor... ZAYRA What do we know about him anyway? He isn't one of us. BAJORAN MAN #1 He isn't one of anything. They laugh.