DEEP SPACE: "A Man Alone" REV. FINAL 09/28/92 - ACT TWO 26. 46 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO I hope you realize what you're getting yourself into... I can't force the Bajora, the Ferengi or anyone else to send their children to your school... and even if you do get them to come, every one of them has a different culture, a different philosophy... I mean, when you think of the values Nog's parents must have taught him... JAKE There's nothing wrong with Nog... SISKO (to Keiko) Last week I had him in jail for stealing... this week he's my son's best friend... KEIKO I know I'll have to come up with an innovative program... But I can't imagine any parent not welcoming the news of a school opening here. Thank you again, Commander. She EXITS... Jake and Sisko exchange a stern look. SISKO If I hear you're hanging around with him... Escaping toward the other room... JAKE I thought you didn't want to talk about this now... And they're out... 47 INT. INFIRMARY Bashir at a computer console... going through a series of microscopic slides... nothing we have to recognize... Odo, Dax and Kira look on...