DEEP SPACE: "A Man Alone" REV. FINAL 09/22/92 - ACT TWO 20. 38 INT. HOLODECK - GRID WALLS Sisko, Kira and Odo watch as Bashir examines the body of Ibudan, on the floor... the knife still in his shoulder blade... ODO The door opened only twice... first time when the computer logged Ibudan's check-in at seventeen hundred hours, sixteen minutes... the suite was secured so no one else could enter... He ran Lauriento massage halo- program number one-oh-one-A. Thirteen minutes later the door opened for the second time, but since Ibudan obviously didn't exit... we have to assume that's when the killer left... KIRA Any evidence of a beam-in during those thirteen minutes? ODO No... KIRA Then how did the killer get in... ? SISKO He might have entered the holosuite at the same time Ibudan did... Odo studies the body... doesn't offer another hypothesis... Bashir stands up... BASHIR Cause of death is no mystery. The knife was thrust directly between the left and right thoracic vertebrae... perforating the lower ventricle of the heart. The murderer apparently had a decent knowledge of Bajoran anatomy. SISKO Doctor, I want you to look for evidence that could establish someone was in here with him... BASHIR (acknowledges) I'll do a sweep for hair follicles, any skin or cellular remnants, and DNA fragments...