DEEP SPACE: "A Man Alone" REV. FINAL 09/28/92 - ACT ONE 15. 25 CONTINUED: ODO A few years back, he killed a Cardassian officer who wanted a payoff to look the other way. He went to prison for murder. (BEAT) I sent him there. SISKO For murder? What's he doing out? ODO (with quiet outrage) The provisional government let him go. Killing a Cardassian isn't considered much of a crime nowadays. Sisko takes a beat to consider... SISKO Doesn't sound like there's much we can do about it. ODO I can get him off my Promenade... SISKO (laying back, not in his face, diplomatic) If he hasn't done anything wrong, you can't just arbitrarily force him to leave... ODO Watch me. SISKO (beat, firmer) Mister Odo, you're not going to take the law into your own hands... ODO (interrupting) The law? Commander, laws change depending on who's making them...