59:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE: "A Man Alone" REV. FINAL 09/25/92 - ACT ONE 11. 19 ANGLE - INCLUDING O'BRIEN'S TABLE IN THE BACKGROUND DAX I suggest you allow yourself to be comfortable with your discomfort. Time can do the rest... As he looks at her with familiar appreciation, they're interrupted in the background by the sound of O'Brien's voice... O'BRIEN Keiko... As they turn... 20 CLOSER ON O'BRIEN Keiko's leaving him at the table with a troubled look... she EXITS... he glances toward Sisko and Dax with embarrassment, wipes his mouth with a napkin, stands up and moves toward the exit... picking up Odo as they cross paths and now staying with Odo as he moves away from the bar toward the dabo tables and... 21 ANGLE ON IBUDAN DABO GIRL Dabo! Ibudan reacts with pleasure as he collects his winnings... turns and sees Odo standing in his face... ODO I don't want you on this station. IBUDAN That's too bad. I have every right to be here. ODO I decide who has rights and who doesn't on this Promenade. IBUDAN Better ask your Federation superiors about that. ODO I don't have to ask anyone.