DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - ACT EIGHT 122. 271 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD Good luck, Sisko. And Picard EXITS... a beat on Sisko... 272 EXT. BAJOR - MATTE SHOT - ESTABLISHING (OPTICAL) 273 INT. MONASTERY - DAY (OPTICAL) Pulling back on the ark as it's placed in a shrine... moving to find Opaka is doing it... and that Sisko is with her... SISKO Fourteen planets have already contacted us about opening trade routes through Bajoran space... KAI OPAKA (nods) The prophets have been generous... SISKO I have a lot to tell you about your prophets, Opaka. KAI OPAKA Does it surprise you that I do not wish to hear? Sisko reacts, not really. KAI OPAKA Perhaps that is why a disbeliever was destined to seek them -- one should never look into the eyes of his own gods... SISKO (wanting to share at least this much) It was... quite a journey. KAI OPAKA It was only the beginning of your journey, Commander. On Sisko's reaction...