DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/14/92 - ACT EIGHT 120. 266 INT. OPS SISKO'S COM VOICE Rio Grande to D-S Nine. KIRA On screen. Go ahead, Commander. 267 ANGLE INCLUDING VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) SISKO Sorry to be so late. I didn't know we were having company. Clear me for docking, Mister O'Brien. O'BRIEN Aye, sir... cleared for pad "C"... On the elated reactions of the crew... 268 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) as the Runabout moves in for a landing... 269 INT. PROMENADE As Sisko walks out of the Airlock gate... he sees the damage to the promenade, reacts, begins to move perceptibly faster... and he has to be wondering about Jake... he finally finds Odo and Bashir tending to the wounded... The Bajoran woman is lying nearby, conscious, holding hands with a member of her family... SISKO Casualties... ? BASHIR Thirteen injured, Commander... No fatalities... And Sisko's face eases immediately... as he looks up to motion in the crowd and Jake pushes to the front... smiles as he sees his father... Sisko grins back with love... and as the boy runs to him, Sisko lifts him up and carries him on his hip... and as they move down the thoroughfare... FADE TO BLACK.