43:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - ACT EIGHT 115. 250 CONTINUED: KIRA You don't think Starfleet took command of this space station without the ability to defend it, do you? JASAD Defend it? Your space station could not defend itself against one Cardassian warship... A beat as she steps forward to the viewscreen... KIRA You're probably right, Jasad. And if you were dealing with a Starfleet officer, they'd probably admit we have a hopeless cause here... but I'm just a Bajoran who's been fighting a hopeless cause against Cardassians all her life... So if you want a war, I'll give you one. Jasad shakes his head, cuts off transmission and the screen returns to the Cardassian ships... O'Brien studies her with a trace of admiration... O'BRIEN Major, remind me never to get into a game of Roladan Wild Draw with you... Off her reaction... 251 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) with the Cardassian ships. 252 INT. CARDASSIAN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Jasad studies the space station on a viewscreen... his officer ENTERS... CARDASSIAN OFFICER #3 They were using a Thoron field to block our sensors but we were able to penetrate it... JASAD What are their defenses... ?