11:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/21/92 - ACT EIGHT 110. ACT EIGHT FADE IN: A240 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) B240 INT. OPS As before. O'Brien on the move to his station... O'BRIEN I can transfer all available power to establish partial shields around critical areas... but if they hit the docking ring we'll sustain heavy damage... KIRA (to Odo) Constable... if you would coordinate moving all personnel to safer locations... He acknowledges, EXITS... turning to Dax -- KIRA What was the last reported position of the Enterprise? DAX At least twenty hours away... KIRA We've got to hold out till they get here... BASHIR I can't believe the Cardassians would ever attack a Federation outpost... O'BRIEN Doctor, you ever studied your military history of the border wars? Ever heard of the Setlik Three massacre? KIRA I assume, Mister O'Brien you would agree that surrender is not a preferable option...