DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/26/92 - ACT SEVEN 107. 237 CONTINUED: JASAD I'm not used to talking to Bajoran Majors. KIRA I'm all you've got. A beat. He studies her. JASAD I am Gul Jasad of the Cardassian Guard, Seventh Order. Where is our warship? KIRA With any luck, they're in the Gamma Quadrant. On the other side of the wormhole. JASAD (explodes) What wormhole? Our sensors show no indication of a wormhole in this sector. KIRA That's because it just collapsed. DAX We believe it was artificially created. That may be why our sensors never picked up any of the usual quantum fluctuation patterns... JASAD (furious) You expect me to believe that someone created a wormhole... And now conveniently disassembled it? He cuts transmission... his ship reappears on the viewscreen.