168:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - ACT SIX 97. 204 SISKO AND JENNIFER ALIEN She reacts curiously to the kiss... the emotional impact is heavy on Sisko but he watches... tries to remain the detached instructor... SISKO As corporeal entities, humans find physical touch to cause pleasure... JENNIFER ALIEN "Pleasure" - what is this? SISKO Good feelings... happiness... ... but the words get lost in his throat as the moment finally hits him... rack focus as Jennifer alien turns to observe him... Sisko turns his eyes away and finds himself looking at -- 205 DORAN, THE WOMAN IN THE FIERY CORRIDOR with the mournful eyes, except she's an alien... and suddenly he's back on the Saratoga... 206 REVERSE ANGLE - INT. CORRIDOR (OPTICAL) as he looks around... sees the Bolian Tactical Officer (an alien) next to him... he reacts... he does not want to revisit what is at the end of this... the aliens notice the reluctance... he looks down the corridor toward his quarters... does not want to go... DORAN ALIEN (what's the problem?) This is your existence... SISKO Yes. But... it is difficult to return here... more difficult than any other memory... TACTICAL OFFICER ALIEN Why? And this is hard for him, analyzing the death of his wife, standing by the flames that killed her... impossible to stay detached from the emotions this raises...