DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/21/92 - ACT FIVE 81. 173 CONTINUED: DAX It's not an ordinary wormhole. My analysis suggests it isn't even a natural phenomenon... BASHIR Not natural... you mean it was constructed... ? DAX (acknowledges) It's very possible that whoever made the orbs also created this wormhole. O'Brien is monitoring sensors on his panel... reacts as he sees something... O'BRIEN The Cardassians are leaving their position... on a course toward the Denorios Belt. Kira frowns... stands... KIRA (beat, to O'Brien) What would it take to move this station to the mouth of the wormhole? O'BRIEN This isn't a starship, Major. We've got six working thrusters to power us and that's it. A hundred-sixty million kilometer trip would take two months. KIRA It's got to be there tomorrow. O'BRIEN (reacts) That's not possible, sir... KIRA That wormhole might just reshape the future of this entire quadrant. The Bajorans have to stake a claim to it...