44:[1,#b],127:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - ACT FIVE 69. 132 CONTINUED: COMPUTER VOICE Identification of Idran is based on the hydrogen-alpha spectral analysis conducted in the twenty-second century by the Quadros-One probe of the Gamma Quadrant. SISKO (stunned) The Gamma Quadrant. Seventy thousand light years from Bajor? I'd say we just found our way into a wormhole... DAX (checking panels) It's not like any wormhole I've ever seen. There were none of the usual resonance waves... A beat as they take this all in... SISKO Could this be how the orbs found their way into the Bajoran system? DAX Not an unreasonable hypothesis. SISKO If it's true, that would mean this has been here for ten thousand years. We might have just discovered the first stable wormhole known to exist. As they exchange a glance... DAX You may want to wait until we get safely back before you put your name in the history books, Benjamin... SISKO Our names, old man, our names... bring us about, Lieutenant... 133 EXT. SPACE - RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) comes around and moves forward... and the wormhole illuminates into view again... the Runabout moves back in...