61:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/31/92 - ACT FOUR 56. 92 OMITTED 93 INT. PROMENADE showing the Gestapo-like arrival of a dozen Cardassian officers. The officers move toward Quark's. 94 INT. COMMANDER'S OFFICE Sisko is at his desk... Dukat ENTERS without knocking. DUKAT Good day, Commander. SISKO (nods a greeting, rising) Gul Dukat... DUKAT Excuse my presumption, but this was my office only two weeks ago... He sits down... he is overly cordial as classic bullies can be... DUKAT So, have you been able to get the food replicators to work properly? SISKO Frankly, no. DUKAT Neither could we. That's one technology you have over us. You do know how to make a perfect onion soup. He stands up again, uncomfortable... DUKAT I'm not used to being on this side of the desk.