11:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/12/92 - ACT FOUR 54. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 90 INT. COMMANDER'S OFFICE (DAY #4) Sisko presses a control panel on a monitor and watches a recorded transmission from a university chancellor on Earth... CHANCELLOR (MONITOR) Just a follow-up, Ben... that old house you asked about on Moravian Lane is available... it's yours if you want it... we look forward to hearing your decision. A panel appears noting the end of transmission. Sisko stares at the screen. KIRA'S COM VOICE Kira to Commander Sisko. A Cardassian warship has just entered Bajoran space... He rises... SISKO On screen. Walks out to his balcony... 91 INT. OPS (OPTICAL) O'Brien is at his station... Kira is at the command center... some Bajoran supernumeraries are continuing repairs... on the viewscreen: a huge Cardassian warship moves toward them... O'BRIEN Message coming in from their commander, Gul Dukat... KIRA Dukat. He used to be the Cardassian Prefect of Bajor... O'BRIEN He's requesting permission to come aboard... to greet us... (sarcastic) Surely a coincidence that the Enterprise just left...