DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - ACT THREE 52. 85 CONTINUED: LIEUTENANT The Captain's in the ready room, Chief... Should I tell him you're here? O'BRIEN (a beat, shakes his head) That's okay. Thanks. After a last sentimental look around, O'Brien EXITS to the Turbolift. 86 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM O'Brien ENTERS... a female transporter chief is waiting... O'BRIEN Transport me to the Ops pad, Maggie... TRANSPORTER CHIEF Yessir. O'Brien moves to the pad when a voice behind him, stops him... PICARD (O.S.) Mister O'Brien... 87 ANGLE O'Brien turns to see Picard ENTERING... PICARD I believe I just missed you on the bridge... O'BRIEN Yessir... I didn't want to disturb you... Picard motions for the transporter chief to leave... she does. PICARD Your favorite transporter room, isn't it... ? O'BRIEN Number three, yessir.