DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/31/92 - ACT THREE 49. 74 CONTINUED: (2) COMPUTER VOICE Initializing data base. Requested function will require two hours to complete. Dax nods, leans back... stretches, takes a deep breath... she looks at... 75 ANGLE - INCLUDE THE ORB (OPTICAL) behind the forcefield... and as she studies it, her curiosity cannot be denied... she stands... walks over and after a beat, presses a panel... and the forcefield disappears... and the green light swirls out and envelops her... and when it disappears she is no longer in the laboratory but in... 76 OMITTED 77 INT. OPERATING ROOM - DAY Dax is on an operating table, dressed in a hospital gown, reacts to the sudden change. She tries to get her bearings. Beside her on another table is a very old man (CURZON) who is dying... DAX (recognizes him, surprised) Curzon... ? The old man reaches out a frail hand and take her hand and squeezes it, smiles weakly at her... in the background, we can see glimpses of people standing (no faces) as though some kind of ceremony is taking place... 78 ANGLE - TWO SHOT to see the old man's table in the background of Dax's table... as a dripping wet worm-like symbiont is guided by a pair of hands out of an orifice in the general area of the human navel... and as the hands lift it, another pair of hands uses ritual gold surgical scissors to clip an umbilical connection to the old man...