37:[1,#b],194:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - ACT TWO 36. 59 EXT. BEACH - DAY wearing a bathing suit, holding a tray of three drinks... he's fifteen years younger... looking around him... SISKO What... the hell... Opaka? Some passers-by give him an odd look... after a second, he realizes that 60 HIS FEET are burning on the sand... SISKO (re: his feet) Ahh... He prances on his tip-toes looking for some relief... 61 ANGLE Looking rather silly, finally, because he just has to do it... he jumps on a stranger's blanket... inadvertently kicking sand on a woman who is laying on her stomach... JENNIFER Hey! SISKO I'm sorry... it's just that the sand was burning my... He stops as she turns over, holding the loose bra to her breast... she's wearing 24th century sunglasses... he is stunned as he looks at her... doesn't say a word... as he kneels down and reaches out... and she recoils a bit as she doesn't know what he's doing... and he takes her sunglasses off... SISKO Jen... Jennifer... ? JENNIFER (unrecognized blinks) Yes... ? I'm sorry... did we meet last night at George's party... ? SISKO George? Jennifer... wait a minute, this is impossible.