DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 09/03/92 - ACT TWO 31. 46 CONTINUED: KIRA (continuing) Leaders of all the factions have been trying to get to her... but she lives in seclusion and rarely sees anyone... But on that line, a shadow falls over them and they look up to see -- 47 LOW ANGLE - THE OLD MONK standing above them looking down... a long beat. MONK #1 Commander. It is time. He moves away... 48 SISKO'S FACE reacts curiously and he stands... 49 WIDE as he finds himself drawn to follow the Monk. On Kira's reaction... 50 EXT. BAJOR CAPITOL CITY - DAY - ESTABLISHING (MATTE) Like Berlin after the war. Devastated... wreckage... burned out buildings... what remains is a mystical looking skyline with rounded domes and spherical shapes -- ancient architecture that has somehow survived...