DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - ACT ONE 21. 35 thru OMITTED 37 38 ODO (OPTICAL) who twists his entire mid-section out of shape... and the weapon flies by harmlessly and embeds itself in a wall... meanwhile, the alien tries to sprint by him but Odo reforms... 39 WIDER (OPTICAL) ... and grabs him roughly... the alien's bulk makes him difficult to contain... and it looks like it could be a long fight but before it even gets started, they are interrupted by a phaser blast above their heads... they both react and turn to see -- 40 SISKO holding a phaser... SISKO That's enough. ODO Who the hell are you? KIRA This is our new Starfleet Commander, Odo. ODO (unimpressed) I don't allow weapons on the Promenade. That includes phasers. QUARK (O.C.) Nog? What's going on? They turn to see Quark arriving (we saw him earlier in the bar). ODO (to Quark) The boy's in a lot of trouble.