23:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - ACT ONE 18. 32 CONTINUED: SISKO Well, actually I thought I'd say hello first and then take the office... but we could do it in any order you'd like. KIRA (exaggerated) Hello. SISKO Is something bothering you, Major? KIRA You don't want to ask me that, Commander... SISKO Why not? KIRA Because I have a bad habit of telling the truth... even when people don't want to hear it. SISKO (pleasant) Perhaps I want to hear it. A beat. All right, fine... KIRA I don't believe the Federation has any business being here. Sisko nods, takes a beat, then... SISKO The provisional government disagrees with you... KIRA The provisional government and I don't agree on a lot of things... which is probably why they've sent me to this god-forsaken place.