103:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/14/92 - ACT ONE 15. 29 CONTINUED: SISKO (eyes off O'Brien, a throwaway) He does... O'Brien wouldn't notice an attitude, but we do because we know of Sisko's experience with Locutus... a beat, as Sisko deliberately ignores the urgency of the request... SISKO Any word on our science and medical officers? O'BRIEN They're expected tomorrow. Sisko acknowledges. SISKO Jake, I want you to stay here until I come back... JAKE Is this the food replicator? O'BRIEN (pained) I'm afraid they're all off-line... there's plenty of emergency rations... I could send some down... JAKE (I hate this place) Dad... SISKO We're just gonna have to rough it til we get things up and running, Jake... okay? JAKE (not okay) Okay. SISKO (this isn't going to work, but I'll try to make it look that I really think it will, smiles) Okay.