153:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/12/92 - ACT ONE 14. 28 CONTINUED: Beat. Sisko feels uncomfortable with the Monk's stare... SISKO Another time, perhaps. They move on... And the camera lingers as the Monk's gaze follows him a mysterious beat... MONK #1 (beat) Another time. 29 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS As they ENTER... it is dark and grim with a huge outrageous looking Cardassian master bed. The room doesn't raise Sisko's spirits... O'Brien notices... O'BRIEN When my wife, Keiko, saw our quarters, she started talking about visiting her mother in Kumomoto... Sisko examines the strange bed... as Jake goes and looks into an adjoining bedroom... O'Brien takes the opportunity alone with Sisko to say quietly -- O'BRIEN Sir, I wouldn't allow the boy to go roaming... we're still having some security problems... JAKE (O.S.) Dad... ! Appearing at the door... JAKE There's nothing to sleep on in here except a cushion on the floor! O'BRIEN We can get you a real bunk off the Enterprise... (to Sisko) Oh, and I almost forgot, Captain Picard wants to see you as soon as possible.