DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - ACT ONE 12. 23 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN That wouldn't have been possible either, sir. We've got some stray nucleonic emissions that have to be tracked down before we can safely reinstate transporter operations. It's a junkyard the bloody Cardies left us with, if you ask me... They EXIT and... 24 INT. PROMENADE As they enter from the Airlock Gate... they react with shock to what they see... and we move with them to reveal our first look at this extraordinary setting.... The striking Cardassian/Bajoran architecture is mysterious and impressive... and we can see how exciting a locale this could once have been. But now it is almost deserted... and it has been ravaged by vandals... storefronts have been broken out... trash and broken stock from the stores litter the thoroughfare... phaser blasts have burned scars on the walls... a statue has been toppled... 25 SISKO reacts... his jaw tight... this is worse than he could have possibly imagined...