50:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/12/92 - TEASER 8. 17 INT. ESCAPE POD (OPTICAL) as the tactical officer leads in Sisko... where the security officer is seated holding Jake... along with a dozen others in cramped lifeboat fashion. The tactical officer presses panels... the door slides shut and then without ever cutting outside, there is a woosh and a shake and in the window, we see the Saratoga as our pod shoots away from it... and Ben Sisko never takes his eyes off it... and we may see other pods as we get further away... and other wreckage of broken ships... and notice the flashes of lightning from continued warfare with the Borg not far away... but we stay inside the pod... and then the Saratoga explodes... and the light fills Ben's face... FADE TO BLACK 18 SUPER WHITE LETTERS: STARDATE 46421 THREE YEARS LATER HARD CUT TO: 19 CORK ATTACHED TO A FISHING LINE (DAY #1) bobbing in the water... SISKO (O.S.) Jake? And move to find twelve year old JAKE SISKO holding a fishing pole, sitting on a rock... and we're 20 EXT. FISHING POND - DAY (OPTICAL) Jake's trousers are rolled up to the knees, his bare feet dangling in the water, his shirt unbuttoned... he turns to the sound of the voice... and a moment later, Sisko appears, dressed in his Starfleet uniform, a full Commander now... he smiles at the vision before him... SISKO There you are... The boy gives him a reluctant grin. Sisko comes over, sits beside him on the rock... SISKO How they biting?