ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ____ ______ ______ ________ _________ _________ / | / | / || | / | / | / | / ____| / ____|| ____|| _______/ | _______/ / /| || / | / | |__ | \ | \ / / / || | | | | __| \_____ \ \_____ \ / / /__ || \_____ | \_____ | |____________| | ______| | / / | | \ | \ || || | /___ / |___| \_______| \_______||___________________ / |__________/ ________ ________ ________ ___ __________________ | \ | || \ | || \ | __ \ | ____|| __ \| || ____________ \ | | \ || |__ | | \ || || |__ ___ \ | | | | || __| | | | || || __| | | | | | |___/ || |____ | | | || || |____ | |___/ | | / | || | | || || || / |_________/ |________||___| |___||___||________||_________/ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ACCESS DENiED IS PROUD TO INViTE YOU TO ³ ³ ³ þ THE PARTY III þ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ þ AMIGA ORGANIZERS þ SILENTS ú LEMON ú SPACEBALLS þ þ PC ORGANIZERS þ ACCESS DENIED þ úþ THE BIGGEST, BEST PARTY EVER. THE ULTIMATE. þú ÄÍþ INTRODUCTION þÍÄ This text was written to inform you a bit more about this event. For all people that came to THE PARTY I & II there's no need to say anything more. Except that this year it's gonna be even BETTER! So, if you got a PC, AMIGA or C-64 you are almost FORCED to come. You simply can NOT afford to miss this! Last year the ambassadors on PC, FUTURE CREW, did the organizing. Now it's our turn. Denmark is situated in the middle of the European demo scene. Most demo groups come from those Scandinavian countries. So I guess it's a real good spot for everybody. All the big groups will be there, and what is a better place to make contacts and meet people than a big party? The prices for the competitions are great! You don't need a demo to come! Not at all, but ofcourse, the lame times on PC are over, and it's up to you, to show it to the world! Watch out for our magazine, SCENIAL, coming soon near you including the latest and hottest updates about this great event. We'll be happy to welcome you there, Lord Cyrix [Access Denied] Venior [Access Denied] ÄÍþ WHERE AND WHEN þÍÄ The Party 1993 will be held in Scandinavia's largest conference centre. The centre is called Messecenter Herning and it is of course placed in Herning, in the middle of Denmark. The Party will be held from 10:00 CET Monday the 27th of December to 15:00 CET Wednesday the 29th of December. ÄÍþ FACILITIES þÍÄ ú Room for at least 3000 people, including tables, chairs and airconditioning. ú A quiet, separate hall for sleeping. But you are free to sleep where ever you want to. ú Enormous free parking area. Bring your tent or caravan. ú If you are going by train or bus, you will arrive at Herning Station. Here the public bus no. 4c and a nonstop party bus will be driving to the party place. The ride takes 12 min. and costs app. 10 DKK. At the station there will be 2 organizers to help you getting to the party place. ú Enough electricity for everyone, with a professional electrician 24 hours a day to avoid problems. ú All info about what's going on (competitions, surprises, winners etc.) will be published on a large bulletin board in the entrance area, on the big screen and on The Party Channel. ú 600 x 400 cm high quality screen for competitions and other events. ú Extremely powerful HI-FI equipment to guarantee perfect sound quality. ú Two real cafeterias will be open all day. At night only one of them will be open. A kiosk and a hot-dog stand will also be open most of the day. The prices will be low. ú This year everyone who bring a TV-set and an antenna will be able to watch The Party Channel. The Party Channel is an information and entertainment channel with movies, live broadcast of the competitions, all the latest info, news, results etc. ú A Laserdisc room with chairs for 500 people, a big screen and dolby pro logic surround sound, showing new laserdiscs 24 hours a day! ú The toilet and shower facilities are good. This year we have more than 25 free showers. ú Professional cleaning company to ensure that you will be able to walk around in the hall. ú The Party 1993 T-Shirts and disks will be sold at the Information. ú Female organizers! ÄÍþ EVENTS þÍÄ ú 24 hours entertainment. ú Many strange and crazy surprise competitions. ú If you have made a video, a harddisk-based demo or another amazing thing, bring it with you and we will gladly show it at the big screen. Just hand in the production at the Information. ÄÍþ SURPRISE þÍÄ ú Brand new Kyd/Balle Video Production! Don't miss this! ÄÍþ THE GENERAL DEMO/INTRO/GRAFIX/MUSIC RULES FOR PC þÍÄ ú All contributions must be delivered to the ORGANIZERS. If you got an Amiga, bring them to SILENTS/LEMON/SPACEBALLS. If you got a PC, bring your contributions to ACCESS DENIED before "THE DEAD-LINE", which will be announced later. ú If you want to take part in a competition you must be present at the party. You cannot send productions by mail or something like that. ú If there are too many contributions in a compo, a jury will choose the best ones to show on the bigscreen. ú All demos and intros will be tested before the competitions. ú The rules will be strictly followed and no exceptions will be made. ÄÍþ THE PC RULES þÍÄ úþ THE DEMO COMPETITION þú ú The maximum lenght of a DEMO is 15 minutes. (we will stop the demo if it's too long or too boring) ú The DEMO must be able to run on a 486 50Mhz with 4MB RAM, a local bus TSENG ET4000 VGA-card and 1 MB GRAVIS ULTRASOUND CARD or SBPRO. ú No demos will be spread by the organisers. ú The maximum space of a demo is 3 megabytes in an executable form. ù One group can contribute with only ONE demo. úþ THE INTRO COMPETITION þú ú The maximum lenght of an INTRO is 80KB. ú The INTRO must be able to run on a 486 50Mhz with 4MB ram, a local bus TSENG ET4000 VGA-card and 1 MB GRAVIS ULTRASOUND CARD or SBPRO. ú ALL INTROS will be spread by the organisers. ú One group can contribute with only ONE intro. úþ THE GRAFIX COMPETITION þú ú Each artist can ONLY contribute ONE PICTURE. ú The picture must be delivered as an executeable file or in the LBM-format. ú All resolutions are allowed except the SUPER-VGA-resolutions. ú Raytraced pictures and digitized pictures are forbidden. ú It is not allowed to include a handle in a picture, neither a group name or anything alike to keep the pictures anonymous for the spectators during the competition. (Make a second copy for distribution) úþ THE MUSIC COMPETITION þú ú Each musician can ONLY contribute ONE TUNE. ú We will play a maximum of 4 minutes per module. This means your module can take longer than 4 minutes but we will not listen the first 4 minutes. We will not accept tunes from DEMOS or INTROS or pre-released stuff. ú Your tune must be delivered as an executeable file or with the music-player required (which has to support either a 1MB GUS or SBPRO). ú Modules may have a maximum of 32 channels. úþ THE PRICES - THE CASH - THE DOLLARS - THE GIRLS þú The demo prices are REAL CA$H. The INTRO, GRAFIX and MUSIC prices are given in HARDWARE and have the following values. DEMO COMPO INTRO COMPO GRAFIX COMPO MUSIC COMPO ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1ú $1600 1ú $1000 1ú $300 1ú $300 2ú $800 2ú $600 2ú $200 2ú $200 3ú $300 3ú $200 3ú $100 3ú $100 úþ IMPORTANT! þú ú These prices will be given when ENOUGH PC-people show up. ú EXTRA prices (from SPONSORS) will be added to the DEMO compo. So the prices can change a bit without further notice. ÄÍþ THE AMIGA RULES þÍÄ ú Overall Demo/Gfx/Music/Intro/AGA rules ú ú All contributions must be delivered at the Information before the dead-line. ú If you want to take part in a competition you must be present at the party. ú Demo Competition ú ú A group can contribute with as many demos as they want to but only 1 from each coder. ú Max. demo lenght: 20 min. ú The demo must be able to run on a standard Amiga 500 (1.3) with 1MB memory. ú Gfx Competition ú ú Each grafix artist is allowed to contribute with 1 PICTURE. ú The picture must be loadable from a standard Deluxe Paint IV (not AGA). ú Music Competition ú ú Each musician is allowed to contribute with 1 tune. ú We will play a maximum of 5 minutes per module. ú Your tune must be delivered as an executeable file or with the music-program required. ú Intro Competition ú ú Max. intro length: 40KB. ú The intro must be able to run on a standard 1MB Amiga 500. ú AGA Demo Competition ú ú Max. demo length: 20 min. ú The demo must be able to run on a standard Amiga 1200. Demo Compo Gfx Compo Music Compo Intro Compo AGA-Demo Compo ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ- ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ- ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ- ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ- ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ- 1. $3000 1. $500 1. $500 1. $500 1. $500 2. $1500 2. $300 2. $300 2. $250 2. $300 3. $750 3. $200 3. $200 3. $100 3. $100 4. $500 4. $100 4. $100 ÄÍþ PLEASE REMEMBER þÍÄ ú We will not accept anybody selling food, disks etc. without our written permission. ú Alcohol is not allowed at the party place. ú People who cannot behave will be thrown outside until they cool down, real troublemakers and thiefs will ofcourse be handed over to the police located close to the party place. ú We will not accept any racist signs or acting, spraycans or firework. ú People who cause any damage will ofcourse have to pay for it. ú We take no responsibility for illegal swapping, software, video etc. ú We also do not take resposibility for damage or stolen stuff. ÄÍþ SPONSORS þÍÄ Ofcourse, the more sponsors, the better the prizes. If your company can sponsor THE PARTY in any possible way, contact us with the FAX number. Sponsors will be mentioned in THE PARTY III files, they will be on the SCREENS, TV will come, newspapers will come, etc... Thank you! ÄÍþ LAST INFORMATION þÍÄ PARTY PLACE PC ORGANIZERS AMIGA/C64 ORGANIZERS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ- ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ- Messecenter Herning The Party PC '93 The Party 1993 Vardevej 1 Weerstandslaan 21 Postbox 755 7400 Herning 3590 Diepenbeek 9100 Aalborg Denmark Belgium Denmark THE PC PARTY PHONE THE AMIGA PARTY PHONE ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ FOR URGENT INFO ONLY FOR INFO & REGISTRATION ++32-(0)-11-42-13-75 ++45-98-15-17-31 or for emergencies ++32-(0)-11-32-45-35 PC MODEM REGISTRATION AMIGA MODEM REGISTRATION ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ STARBASE BBS MAINLINE BBS AD WORLD HQ SILENTS DENISH HQ ++49-421-640-398 ++45-98-15-30-62 THE POINT BREAK BBS AD EURO HQ ++32-(0)-11-43-69-25 PC FAX PHONE AMIGA NET-REGISTRATION ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ++32-(0)-89-47-36-54 Internet: sauber90@kom.auc.dk To: Jack Amixnet : Dux@DK0001 úþ TO REGISTER þú Fill in this slip and send it to THE PARTY 1993 address in Belgium if you got a PC. If you got an Amiga send it to the address in Denmark. Or write all information on a paper and FAX it to our PC FAX PHONE. We prefer that you send this thing to the address or registrate by modem, you surely may call, but for real information and urgent registration. Do not call these numbers at weird times PLEASE! ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ YES! WE ARE COMING TO THE PARTY 1993 ³ ³ ³ ³ Name/handle: ³ ³ Group: ³ ³ Country: ³ ³ Number of persons coming: ³ ³ Number of computers: Amigas C-64's PC's ³ ³ Do you want to reserve tables? Yes/No ³ þ Phone number we can reach you (in case of...) þ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ