D2D-2P RELEASE NOTES for Version 3.4 Changes since the previous Release (2.32) New Features (3.4) Image structure has been changed to allow comments in images (flag /c). Comments can be defined when creating an image. Comments are displayed when an image is used. A new switch (/D) can be used to deactivate boot virusses; that switch simply disables the boot code. New Features (3.3) Flag "/u" forces D2D to format the destination disc. Can be used for dubious destination discs. Flag "/w" skips the question whether to overwrite a valid destination disc (Currently it does not skip the question, but just enables overwriting). Flag "/q" does not ring the bell (except for fatal errors). Flag "/r" enables simple data recovery for defektive source disks. This feature was thought to replace DISKCOPY when a backup copy of a already defective disc is needed. This feature can be combined with flag "/b" (especially if the Bootrecord or the FATs are damaged). Recovery is done by trying to read each sector of a bad track individually. Unreadable sectors are cleared with zeroes (instead of being filled with garbage from the computer's memory). As was seen very soon, it is nice to allow to abort reading a defek- tive disc. (For a 5" HD disc there will be more than 40 tries to read a track if all sectors are defective) Some internal tests make sure that completely damaged disks do not cause D2D to crash. New Features (3.2) The concept of images as virtual discs is supported. Images are im- plemented as files on a fixed disc. BPBs are checked for consistency before being used. There is no longer a division by zero if you try to use the 2.88MB format. The program should be extremely robust now. The program has been internationalized. Currently there are versions for American English and German (Hochdeutsch) available. Fixed Bugs (3.2) Single sided discs could sometimes not be written to correctly when they were not formatted by D2D. This bug has been fixed. Trying to use the 2.88MB format does no longer cause the program to crash. (But it isn't implemented completly yet) Mapped network drives (Novell's NetWare) are now correctly recognized as remote drives. Fixed Bugs (3.3) In some cases there were problems after writing to the destination disc had failed. The procedure did not close the swap file; therefore the program experienced a critical error on the next open call to that file. This only happened when SHARE has been loaded before. There were also problems when aborting on that critical error: The swap file was not removed (also because of SHARE). Tracks with more than 32 sectors (e.g. 2.88MB discs) should be able to be read now. They were blocked previously.