D2D Professional Disc Copy Program D2D NAME d2d - disc-to-disc copy program SYNOPSIS d2d from to [/number] [/a] [/bstring] [/cstring] [/D] [/enumber] [/n] [/o] [/q] [/r] [/tdrive:[directory]] [/u] [/v[s]] [/w] [/xnumber] [/?] DESCRIPTION D2D is a program to copy discs. Discs can be usual floppy discs or virtual discs. Virtual discs are images of previously read floppy discs that reside on a fixed disc. Images can be copied back to discs again, just like copying a usual disc. Therefore discs and images can be used for source and destination of the copy process. D2D uses an image if the necessary drive letter and colon is followed by any character; otherwise it uses discs. The first specified disc or image denotes the source whereas the second disc or image denotes the destination of the copy operation. Source and destination may be identical. D2D reads in the source and writes the contents of it to the destination. Both, the source and destination disc's drive must be physically compatible as D2D only can produce physical copies (as opposed to file-by-file copies) of a disc. Images can be viewed as temporary discs that can contain any disc format. But such an image can only be written back to a disc that is compatible to the disc from which the image was originally made. It is not possible to override the BPB of the image. Verify and multiple copies are not possible if the des- tination is an image. Read recovery also won't work for images. When reading in the source disc (or image), D2D can use several kinds of memory to store data. First it uses con- ventional RAM (real-mode RAM). If there is no more RAM available, D2D can use Extended Memory via XMS 2.0 or Expanded Memory via EMS 4.0. If the program still needs more memory, it can store information on a fixed disc or a RAM-disc. A special algorithm enables D2D to copy only the actually needed tracks on MS-DOS discs. This speeds up both, reading and writing. Formatting is not affected, as D2D always Ulrich Windl Last change: 14 April 1993 1 D2D Professional Disc Copy Program D2D formats the entire disc (if formatting is required at all). D2D can create multiple copies of a single disc, with only reading the source disc once. This greatly increases the speed of the copy process. The destination disc will be formatted automatically if necessary. If one of the destination discs is defective, D2D will try the process again with another disc. OPTIONS /number The process of writing the destination disc will be repeated number times. Only successful copies are counted. /a Copy all tracks on the disc and do not use the op- timizing algorithm. /bstring String specifies the physical format (BPB, BIOS Parameter Block) of the source disc. This option is required if the disc to be copied is not a MS-DOS disc. The disc formats are encoded as follows (exact spelling required): 160k 160kB (40 cylinders, 8 sectors, one side, MFM) 180k 180kB (40 cylinders, 9 sectors, one side, MFM) 320k 320kB (40 cylinders, 8 sectors, two sides, MFM) 320S 320kB (80 cylinders, 8 sectors, one side, MFM) 360k 360kB (40 cylinders, 9 sectors, two sides, MFM) 360S 360kB (80 cylinders, 9 sectors, one side, MFM) 720k 720kB (80 cylinders, 9 sectors, two sides, MFM) 1.2M 1.2MB (80 cylinders, 15 sectors, two sides, MFM) 1.4M 1.44MB (80 cylinders, 18 sectors, two sides, MFM) 2.8M 2.88MB (80 cylinders, 36 sectors, two sides, MFM) Ulrich Windl Last change: 14 April 1993 2 D2D Professional Disc Copy Program D2D /cstring String specifies the comment that will be added if destination is an image. In all other cases the com- ment is silently ignored. Quoting is necessary if blanks are present in the comment. /D This switch enables deactivation of the boot code on each destination disc. Just a simple measure against boot virusses! /enumber number specifies the amount of expanded memory in kB that may be used to store the source disc's data. If number is equal to zero, no EMS will be used. The amount of memory can only be decreased, but never increased. If there is less memory available than specified, only the available memory will be used. /n Tells D2D that the machine is not 100% IBM compatible. Sometimes this option can help if problems are en- countered. This option is obsolete. /o Inhibits creating a new volume serial number for each destination disc. This is normally done when the source disc has a serial number. /q Normally a bell is heard whenever the program tries to attract the users's attention. This option disables the bell (except for fatal errors). /r This flag enables the read recovery processing option of D2D. Normally the program aborts reading the source disc on the first read error. In recovery mode D2D gives each sector on a bad track an extra try. Whether the try was successful or not, the program always continues reading. /tdrive:[directory] When there is not enough memory addressable by the CPU, D2D will create a file in the specified fixed Ulrich Windl Last change: 14 April 1993 3 D2D Professional Disc Copy Program D2D drive's directory to store data in it. /u Normally D2D decides whether the destination disc is suitable formatted; in that case the destination disc is not formatted again. This option forces the program to format the destination disc. /v[s] Instructs D2D to verify each track after having writ- ten it. If smart verify (/vs) is selected, the tracks are only verified if they are not formatted. This op- tion does not affect the automatic verification that follows formatting. /w The program asks for confirmation if a destination disc contains any valid data. With this option the arising question is automatically confirmed. /xnumber number specifies the amount of extended memory in kB that may be used to store the source disc's data. If number is equal to zero, no XMS will be used. The amount of memory can only be decreased, but never increased. If there is less memory available than specified, only the available memory will be used. /? makes D2D display a short explanation of each option. EXAMPLES Copy the disc in drive A: to the disc in drive B:, and use drive C: to swap d2d a: b: /tc: Copy the non-DOS disc (360kB) in drive A: and produce 3 copies in drive A: d2d A: A: /3 /b360k Copy the disc in drive B: to the disc in drive B:, do not use extended memory (if present), copy all tracks and do not create a new volume serial number d2d a: b: /x0 /a /o Ulrich Windl Last change: 14 April 1993 4 D2D Professional Disc Copy Program D2D Create an image on disc C: for the disc in drive A: and enter recovery mode. The comment tells something about the original disc d2d A: C:\image "/cSource was bad/r" Create two copies in drive A: from the previous image stored on fixed disc C: and verify the destination discs d2d c:\image a: /2 /vs SEE ALSO D2D Referenzhandbuch BUGS D2D cannot copy a disc with defective sectors on it automatically. You must specify option /r. If the first track on the disc is damaged, you must also use the /b op- tion to select the format of the disc. In that case the destination disc is always formatted. The command line parser is inconsistent: Drive specifica- tions must be arguments while several options can be in one argument. That is why d2d a: b:/a /o is not accepted while d2d a: b: /a/o is correct syntax. Try to make each option an individual argument. The parser also allows to specify all arguments in any order. That is why d2d /a a: b: /x128 /v and d2d /x128 /a a: b: /v produce the same result. The only exception are drive specifications: The first drive is always the source drive. The consistent parser makes comments on images quite difficult: If the comment contains blanks, the whole argu- ment must be quoted (like "/ca blank"). No comment can contain a slash (/). The specified path for the temporary swap file is only checked if it is needed. Invalid paths from environment Ulrich Windl Last change: 14 April 1993 5 D2D Professional Disc Copy Program D2D variables are silently ignored. Images must reside on a fixed disc whereas disc drives must be floppy drives. It is possible to fool D2D with images paths that are not on a fixed disc. Paths for images and temporary swap files must begin with a drive letter prefix. Almost every message from D2D is written to stderr; there- fore they can't be redirected with COMMAND.COM. Ulrich Windl Last change: 14 April 1993 6