"Fountain" includes 3D shape creation tools such as 3D primitives, 2D polygons, face editing, lathing, sweeping and tips as well as the extrusion of TrueType fonts. You can choose between infinite and local light sources, and you can paint not only entire objects, but also on individual faces and vertices. Existing 3D geometry can be imported via DXF, 3D Studio, Wavefront, LightWave and Imagine filters, and the following 2D formats are supported: PostScript, BMP and JPG. While "Fountain" is primarily an authoring tool, the ability to read VRML files allows you to take advantage of existing 3D resources on the Internet and to test VRML-specific features such as levels of detail, in-lining and hyperlinks. The minimum requirements for "Fountain" are a fast 486 with 8MB of RAM. To access VRML worlds on the Web, a SLIP/PPP connection and a 14.4k modem are also required. To comfortably navigate through worlds with over a thousand polygons, we recommend a Pentium with a 64-bit graphics card (preferably with 3D acceleration). A 28.8k modem or ISDN connection are also recommended for accessing larger worlds. While you do not need an HTML browser to access VRML files across the Web, you will need one to display 2D formats such as HTML. Currently, only Netscape is supported. Here is how you configure Netscape for recognizing what to do with VRML files: Step 1: Select the "Options/Preferences" menu item. Step 2: Select the "Helper Applications" item in the pulldown. Step 3: Click the "New Type" button. Step 4: In the Configure New Mime type dialog enter: For Mime Type: x-world For Mime Subtype: x-vrml Step 5: In the "Extensions" field enter: .wrl While "Fountain" may be freely downloaded for non-commercial use, it may only be resold in any form or included as part of other applications with the written consent of Caligari Corporation. Note: If any problems are encountered with the 3DR installation, you may wish to try installing 3DR by itself - run SETUP.EXE in your target Fountain directory.